Tuesday, 19 October 2021

More snowflakes

When I posted my blue snowflakes on Facebook I had the most comments I have ever had on a project so I am hoping they will be good sellers at the craft fairs.  I am really enjoying making them even though they are quite fiddly to finish off by cutting round the sticky felt I back them with.

I decided to make some in pinks and purples as an alternative to blues.  So that is 8 in total I have made so far and hope to get more made as I would also like to take some into Prima Rosa, the cafe/gift shop which sells some of my makes.



meg said...

They look so intricate and delicate Marianne,simply beautiful

Jackie T said...

Hi these snowflakes are gorgeous. They should sell very well. Take care. Hugs Jackie

cotnob said...

Your snowflakes are beautiful Marianne, I'm sure they will sell well.
Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

dolcreations said...

Absolutely stunning Marianne! These will sell very well! Great for toppers on gifts this year instead of a bow or on your Christmas tree!

cuilliesocks said...

So beautiful Marianne, I love these little snowflakes and they are stitched beautifully, Kate x

Anonymous said...

These are lovely, I am sure they will sell really well. Alison x

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Fabulous snowflakes, your cross stitching is fabulous as always and love the idea!
I apologize if in this period I can't visit your blogs to admire your beautiful works, but my life at the moment is very busy and complicated. I hope I can make up for it and leave comments for everyone, but if not, please excuse me.

Carol S. said...

They are gorgeous and will fly of your table. Haven't seen any at the fairs I have been to. Hugs, Carol S.xx

Tracy Welham said...

I think I left a comment on your Facebook page when I spotted these, and I am not surprised you had a lot of comments they are so pretty and look so delicate. I am sure they will be very popular. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

Sarah said...

These are so pretty.