Sunday, 31 October 2021

A jolly snowman

I finally got my results on Friday and I have had food poising (campylobacter) so I have a course of antibiotics which are starting to make me feel a lot better thank goodness.

I had a play with my Card-io stamps and made 4 cards.  This is the first where I stamped a wreath using various foliage stamps and then stamped the jolly snowman.  I added some red liquid pearls and layered onto red card to match.

It's a dreadful day here at the moment, wet and windy.  I am going to schedule some posts for the next few days and hope the afternoon improves so we can go food shopping.



meg said...

So pleased to read that you are feeling much better,a fabulous wreath and snowman card

Magic Maggie said...

You must be so relieved - bad enough it was food poisioning and nothing worse!!
We have nasty wind and rain here in York too (and that's just my husband - ooo-er missus!) Just moved the potted lilac in time!
So glad you are on the mend.
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite)

dolcreations said...

So glad to hear you are feeling better!!!
Back to crafting...right!
Love your snowman card!

Rainey's Craft Room said...

Glad you are feeling better after your bout of food poisoning.
A lovely stamped and CAS design for this Christmas card.

Margaret R said...

Love your jolly snowmen just what’s needed on a wet and windy day like today. Pleased you are feeling better.

cuilliesocks said...

Gosh poor you, no wonder you were so ill, glad you are on the mend now.
I've not made a Card-io card for ages, must rectify that, thanks for the inspiration. I love this snowman image and your wreath of foliage is fabulous, a wonderful card, Kate x

Jackie T said...

Hi this is a gorgeous card. I love it. I am so pleased that you are starting to feel better. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Chrissy said...

Glad you are felling better now Marianne, nasty business is FP,,love your happy snowman inside his wreath of holly..


Sandra H said...

Wow this is a stunning card x

Carol S. said...

Great that you now have medication and it's working. Love the wreath and the snowman is brilliant. I must get some Christmas cards made. Haven't made one yet!! I am at a Craft Fair in Southwold next Saturday, so hope the weather is better than the last one I did there, a few weeks ago. Still was amazed how good the sales were. Hugs, Carol

Anonymous said...

Marianne so glad the antibiotics are starting to work. Love the card the snowman is so cute. Alison x

aussie aNNie said...

What a cute card, love this and your gorgeous snowman.
Great Christmas card.
Sorry to read you had food poisoning. xx

Stamps and Paper said...

Gosh Marianne no wonder you were poorly…wonder where you picked that up? Love your wreath card and happy little snowman image ..super card


Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Love so much the garland, it frames the happy snowman so well!