Sunday 1 November 2009

Blog Candy Winners

Hi everyone. Hope you are all having a great weekend. We've had blue skies and sunshine some of the past week but the weather this weekend is rubbish. It's wet and windy and generally yuck but we were both awake about 6.15 so making an early start on my blog this morning. We're planning to have a look round the shops today and hopefully will fit in some crafting later.

Thanks to so many of you for entering my candy and your lovely comments about my creations. I hope you like my new look blog. I'm still learning how to use Adobe Photoshop and played around with my banner. I impressed myself with the result, lol!

I hope all my new followers will come back and visit from time to time and leave comments. I've got several new followers who didn't enter my candy so I guess you must just like my cards, which is great. I'm sorry I haven't been round to visit all of you but I have got lots more Christmas cards to make. I've got friends asking for them so although I've made 51, only about 20 are for me to send. I'll have more time for bloghopping once these are all made.

Well that's enough ramblings from me. It's that moment you have been waiting for. The announcement of my blog candy winners. Some people had left 2 comments so I counted their first comment as their entry. I used True Random Generator for the first time. Hubby then got excited as he found you can use it to pick your lottery numbers so fingers crossed for a win on Wednesday, lol!

First prize goes to
That's Magda in the UK. Well done, you win the candy. Second prize, which is a surprise goes to Mary in the United States.

Could the 2 winners please e-mail me your address to the address on my profile by Wednesday 4 November. I'll then get your prizes off in the post, postal strikes allowing of course. If I don't hear from you by then I will have to draw again. Well done ladies.


Mandy said...

Hi Marianne, your new look blog is gorgeous, love the header, well done you.
Congrats to the winners, enjoy
hugs Mnady xx

Magda said...

Wooo hoo! THANK YOU Marianne! I`m very happy. BIG HUGS :)
Magda x

Kazabing said...

Well done Ladies.....

Love the new look blog... must get some tips..


Kim. said...

Congrats ladies, enjoy your winnings.
Kim xXx

Wiccababe said...

congratulations ladies
thanks again Marianne for offering such fab candy
good luck with getting your xmas cards done

Jenz Bitz 'n' Bobs said...

Congratulations ladies. Have fun. Keep crafting Jenny x

Jenny V. said...

Congrats ladies. Enjoy your items. Thanks again Marianne for offering this blog candy.

Mary said...

Thank you Marianne! I can't wait to see what it is!


KarenB said...

Congratulations ladies :D